Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is what you shall do:  Live to the best of your capabilities.  Become the person that you know you have potential to become.  Laugh at yourself, more than others.   Go get an education that you can use and apply into today’s world.
  Develop a work ethic that you can be proud of, learn to love to work and learn to love to play.  Bite not the hand that feeds you, and bite those who attempt to tear down your world.  Live the dream that you can become anything you put your mind to become.
 Value honesty, integrity, loyalty.  Value good friends who have you back, and value your family whoever they may be.  Value everyday as gift to live your own life.  Value where you live.  Value your hobbies.  Value your passions.   Value your language.  Value your values.
 Scorn those who oppress others.  Scorn those who take the advantage of others.  Scorn those who fight for nothing.  Scorn those who lay snares for others.
Question anyone who says they have the answer.   Never take insult to something about you that is not true.  Never give an insult that is not true.  Follow what you know is to be right. Find passion life.  Never  never give up.

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