Monday, October 10, 2011

essay pitch

For my essay, I’m thinking about comparing and contrasting the biblical Eve and the Sophocles Antigone.  I have gone online and pulled a couple of sources from Ebsco that dive into both characters.   Here are my two citations so far…

 Reed, Valerie. "BRINGING ANTIGONE HOME?." Comparative Literature Studies 45.3 (2008): 316-340. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 10 Oct. 2011.

Harrison, Nonna Verna. "EVE, THE MOTHER OF GOD, AND OTHER WOMEN." Ecumenical Review 60.1/2 (2008): 71-81. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 10 Oct. 2011.

 I think that the citations will provide valuable information on both characters.  I think what I will focus on in the essay is the characters itself and how they are portrayed, and their roles with in the text.  For example both play a major role in the text and both could be considered main characters.  I think I will focus on how they are perceived today as well.  Eve may be considered as a trickster for example.

I also think that I will focus on the similarities and the differences of the characters.  For example I think that a similarity of Antigone and Eve would be is that their acts and decisions that they made not only affected themselves but everyone else surrounding them in the story. 

I difference between Eve and Antigone is the way that they are portrayed today.  Eve has a negative feeling about her, and sometimes thought of the cause of human misery.  Where Antigone can be considered as a tragic hero.

 I think I will use many examples from the text to help build my essay.  I’m not too sure what my main argument is going to be.  I’m hoping that the comparing is an argument with in itself, because I am interpreting the text, and in interpreting you naturally can have arguments.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this pitch. I think the most exciting ideas here to me are the differences between the way these two characters are thought about today and the consequences of their actions as a part of a larger community.

    The sources look good here. In order to get a sense for how these characters are thought about in our contemporary world, I think you'll need to get a couple more sources that you don't necessarily have to cite critical but use as evidence to support your ideas of the contemporary view of each character.

    Good work!
