Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Female Hip

            Hip as Leland analyzes, is from the 19th century to the present day.  In this time period much has taken place, and much has changed.  With this changing of times, I believe that hip has changed as well and has become something similar to what it started out as, but different in certain ways as well.  I think that hip evolves as time goes on, and hip is almost fluid and not concrete.
            In the past Hip was a male-dominated playground.  Taking a look through the book you have your heavy hitters such as Whitman, Emerson, and Thoreau.  Females are mentioned but do not really play a major role in the sphere of hip.  They do not play the same dominant role in the 19th century as the men did.
            I think because hip is ever changing with the times, it has evolved in today’s time to accommodate females more.  If we look in today’s time and go ask high school kids who they think are hip, I’m sure it would be an interesting project, in that we would find a lot of females dubbed hip.  I could even see the outcome tending to lead towards females being named more than men.
            Because Hip is so fluid and changes over time, it allows for change.  I think one of the biggest changes that hip has seen in the past 100 years or so, are females becoming a dominant player of hip, and now share the spot with men, to be a hip icon.
            I think that hip indeed was a misogynistic, male dominated playground, but now has changed and is becoming an equal playing ground of both male and female.

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