Saturday, April 30, 2011

Final Blog

The Un-Hip Feb 21
In this post I briefly explored the idea that everyone has a little hip in them.  I could not think of anyone that I knew that was not hip. 

Hip pitch Feb 14
This blog post I start to understand the fundamentals of hip, as Leland lays them out in his book.  I relate this to a kid I know named Jon.

One of the Greatest Tricksters of all time March 8
In this blog I dive into the trickster.  I said that one of the biggest tricksters of all time was Hitler.

I have selected these three post because I feel they represent my best work of the semester.  I selected the  “Un Hip” blog because I felt like it showed that I was thinking outside the box on the subject.  I believed it showed that I put extra thought into it.  The subject of people who are not hip; got me thinking, of people that I know that are not hip, and according to Leland’s definition,  I think that almost everyone has a little hip in them.
I chose the “Hip Pitch” post because I think that is when I started to grasp the fundamentals of the basis of hip.  I then applied the fundamentals as the first essay directed to a person named Jon.  I think that this is where I first started getting the concept and definition of Hip in my mind, and being able to put it down on paper
I chose One of the Greatest Tricksters of all time, because I think that really represents myself using the definition of a trickster, then thinking and applying it to a person.  I think that it shows that I was critically thinking then applying what I learned.
My ideas of American popular culture have changed by my understanding more fully of the history of the popular culture.  I think after reading and experiencing the class and focusing on the history of hip, I know understand better the present stance of hip.  I think what I have learned from this course other than the history of hip, I have learned to think more critically.  Before this class hip was just a term that I related to popular or the “in” idea.  Now I understand that it encompasses a broader scheme of things.  I also think that my writing skills have improved; it felt good to accomplish that eight page paper.
I think my performance in this class this semester was a good performance.  I attended, did most of the readings, and put time into the class.  My strengths as a writer I believe is simply being motivated to write.  In a weird way I kind of like to write essays.  My weakness as a writer though, is I’m not that efficient at it.  I struggle coming up with original ideas, meeting the required length,  and vocabulary.
I believe that if I were to give myself a grade in this class it would be an A-.  I feel this way because I have put in the time, did what was required, and attended class.  I was engaged in the work, and received decent grades.  Overall I think I did close to A work in the class.

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