Thursday, September 8, 2011

Metadivine Realm

I found the Metadivine Realm, at least what we had gone over in class, interesting.  Probably the most interesting idea that I gathered from the MDR handout and lecture, was that evil came from the MDR.

 I'd like to point out how evil is "built into the structure of the universe," that it is "inherent in the world."

One idea  Kaufman brings out is that "humans are powerless in the struggle between good and evil."  This last quote makes me ponder a little, about the validity of the statement.

 Let's say that there is actually two forces at work good, and evil, and that these forces are so powerful that we and humans can not function without them, we are either doing something for good, or we are doing something for evil.  Maybe there is no middle ground, maybe we are truly "powerless in the struggle between good and evil."

1 comment:

  1. It's thought provoking how evil can be so central to all creation stories. It does sort of seem like a cop out to say "evil can not be helped because men are inherently evil". Are good and evil just forces which act on us or are they present in each of us? Are some people born evil, or do they learn it? These are questions still being asked today.
