Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Experience leads to Caution

After reading Tammy’s blog about the afterlife readings, I found an interesting point that she made, that stuck out to me.  The idea is that “Those who have just been punished for one thousand years are far more cautious, picking the lives which will guarantee them 1000 years of luxury”. 
Tammy brought to light the idea from the text that those who were wicked in their previous lives, and were punished were more cautious, and did not want to repeat what had happened to them.  I think this is a true principle in today’s world.  Those who have been punished, or who have gone through tough times are more cautious, in what they do.  Experience leads to cautiousness, and experience leads away from bliss.
An example of this idea, that a more experienced individual is more likely to be cautious, is perhaps for example someone who has left there door unlocked to their car, and someone stole their $150 sunglasses.  After this experience, I’m sure they will be more likely to lock their car and be more cautious in the future.
Experience tends to lead to caution in decision making.

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