Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Response To Tammy's Blog

In response to Tammy’s blog, I keyed in on the last paragraph of her blog.  She said “maybe Beowulf was more of a cautionary tale.  The people who were hearing the tale would know what a good warrior, wife and king is and know that the monsters were the opposite.”
I like this quote and find it very interesting.  I like the idea of Beowulf being a “cautionary tale”.  The way I think of Beowulf being a cautionary tale is that maybe the story was orally passed down, to influence the population.  I think the story took shape similar to a role model.  It may have influenced younger people in their youth to aspire to become warriors, to strive to be like Beowulf. 
Also I think the tale would in fact, influence others to “know what a good warrior, wife and king is.”  Once again similar to a role model, something you can look to and aspire to be.

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