Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Small Group Discussions

To prepare for the small group discussions, I first went over the text of Beowulf. Fortunately I had read the text before, s o it was fairly familiar to me.  I then went over the 10 questions that we had been given in class.  I then chose four questions that I felt that were interesting, and that I could write on and explore in great detail. 
Having chosen the four questions, I took each individual question and looked within the text of Beowulf and found textual evidence that dealt with the question. I underlined, and put color coordinated tabs for each section so that I could turn back to and find the textual evidence with ease. 
After having found the evidence to answer each question, I based an opinion, and based an answer according to the text.
Three things that I have learned from this exercise
1.       One thing that I have learned within the text is the idea of comitatus.  Before reading Beowulf, I have had never heard of comitatus.  I find it an interesting topic, and discussion.  I learned that comitatus, is really a promise and a pact between a leader and warrior, to help each other out.  I liked how it was shown in Beowulf.
2.       I also learned that it really does help to prepare for class, in which there is a discussion like we had.  I found it beneficial to be prepared, and to be able to participate in the discussion, I think if we were not being graded on it, it would have been even enjoyable, because we were actually getting some well thought out discussions that made you think.
3.       The third thing that I learned from this exercise is that it helps to be organized as well.  I think that being organized made presenting the information that I had had more simpler, and easier to understand.
I thought that there were many good points brought up, and overall it was a good discussion.  I think I also learned from others ideas as well, and made me think deeper about points that were brought up.  I think that I learned probably about the same as a regular lecture class.  I like lectures, and learn a lot from them, and I like the discussion and learned a lot from it as well.

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